Allyson Yearous
MISO VP of Employment Programs
Allyson Yearous is on a mission to help both people and businesses develop and achieve great things. Trained with a master’s in industrial and organizational psychology, Allyson has 20 years in the industrial workspace. She has worked to develop leadership training materials, employee Covid mental health packets, employee workplace development programs, and employee training programs. Her work in developing mental health packets for nurses with the Mayo clinic helped reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue for the resident nurses during the Covid pandemic. With the help of Allyson’s organizational leadership, she was instrumental in reviving a local campaign office on the edge of closing to becoming one of the top field offices in the state.
Allyson’s love of dogs prompted her to start her own doggie daycare business and enjoys exploring many of the trails here in the Pacific Northwest accompanied by her own two dogs, Sky and Archer.